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  • Cham­ber Music with the Trio E.T.A. in Geisenheim-Johannisberg

    Rhein­­gau-Musi­k­­fes­­ti­­val Start­ing time: 19:00 Uhr Venue: Schloss Johan­nis­berg, Fürst-von-Met­­ter­­nich-Saal, Gei­­sen­heim-Johan­­nis­­berg, Ger­ma­ny Pro­gram: Works by S. Rach­ma­ni­now, J. Haydn, F. Schu­bert Info and tickets: https://www.rheingau-musik-festival.de/programm-karten/programmuebersicht/detail/ausgezeichnet-trio-e‑t‑a

  • Cham­ber Music with the Trio E.T.A. in Kaisheim

    Start­ing time: 5:30 pm Venue: Schloss Leit­heim, Schloß­stra­ße 1, 86687 Kai­sheim, Ger­ma­ny Works by S.Rachmaninow, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://www.naturpark-altmuehltal.de/veranstaltungen/trio_eta-471707–12311543/

  • Cham­ber Music with the Trio E.T.A. in Lich/Laubach

    Start­ing time: 6 p.m. Venue: Lich/Laubach, Kam­mer­mu­sik­rei­he Hes­sen­brü­cken­müh­le Works by E.Grieg, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://msh-laubach.de/konzerte/

  • Cham­ber Music with the Trio E.T.A in Seeheim-Jugenheim

    Start­ing time: 7 p.m. Venue: Schloss Hei­li­gen­berg, Auf dem Hei­li­gen­berg 8, 64342 See­heim-Jugenheim, Ger­ma­ny Works by von E.Grieg, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://www.darmstadt-dieburg-entdecken.de/detail/id=6581fbc57e1de30e2c18f865

  • Cham­ber Music with the Trio E.T.A. in Erlangen

    Start­ing time: 19:00 Uhr Venue: Erlan­gen, Kon­zert­werk­statt des Musik­in­sti­tuts, Raths­ber­ger Stra­ße 1–3, Ger­ma­ny Works by J.Brahms (?), J.Haydn and C.Franck Info and tickets: https://www.reservix.de/tickets-trio-eta-unbekannte-bekannte-in-erlangen-konzertwerkstatt-des-erlanger-musikinstitut-ev-am-13–4‑2024/e2145640

  • Cham­ber Music with the Trio E.T.A. in Bruchsal

    Start­ing time: 8 pm Venue: Bruch­sal, Schloss­kon­zer­te, Kam­mer­mu­sik­saal, Ger­ma­ny Works by J.Brahms, J.Haydn and S.Rachmaninow Info and tickets: https://www.swr.de/swr2/veranstaltungen/va-12–4‑24-bruchsaler-schlosskonzerte-100.html

  • Cham­ber Music with the Trio E.T.A. in Feuchtwangen

    Start­ing time: 7 p.m. Venue: Stadt­hal­le Kas­ten, Am Kas­ten 2, 91555 Feucht­wan­gen, Ger­ma­ny Works by J.Brahms (?), J.Haydn and C.Franck Infos and tickets: https://www.kunstklang-feuchtwangen.de/konzerte/trio-e‑t‑a.html

  • Cham­ber Music with the Trio E.T.A. in Ulm

    Start­ing time: 8 p.m. Venue: Ulm, Stadt­haus, Müns­ter­platz 50, 89073 Ulm, Ger­ma­ny Works by B.Smetana, J.Haydn, E.Grieg, and R.Pawollek Info and tickets: https://stadthaus.ulm.de/trio-eta

  • Cham­ber Music with the Trio E.T.A. in Fellbach

    Start­ing time: 7 p.m. Venue: Rat­haus­saal, Markt­platz 1, 70734 Fell­bach, Ger­ma­ny Works by S.Rachmaninow, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://www.fellbach.de/de/Aktuelles/Veranstaltungen/Veranstaltung?view=publish&item=eventDate&id=2902

  • Fami­ly Con­cert with the Trio E.T.A. in Fellbach

    Fami­ly Con­cert Start­ing time: 4:00 p.m. Venue: Rat­haus­saal, Markt­platz 1, 70734 Fell­bach, Germany